Inspired by the tumultuous events of 2020, PAUSE is a collection of five loose-leaf print ‘fragments’ brought together within a simple jacket. Each fragment explores an idea, object or location that rarely changes – a perpetual state of timelessness
Imagery was taken throughout the year and printed in metallic gold and black. Complimented on the reverse with texts by artist and writer Annie Rickard Straus, creating an imaginary scenario.
Insert one pictures a gargoyle sitting above the door of St Michael’s Church in Coxwold, Yorkshire, the final burial place of Laurence Sterne, author of ‘Tristram Shandy’. A text known for its experimental approach to time.
Insert two is a window from Bailiffscourt, Sussex, a country home constructed in the 1920’s using an array of sourced ancient architectural features from across the UK. Building a sense of heritage and prestige using historical building blocks.
Insert three is a naïve brass carving of a tiger found at the back of a case of curios in an antique store.
Insert four shows the remains of Byland Abbey on the Yorkshire Moors, preserved in a never-ending state of ruin.
The bookmark symbolises the end of the year and the start of the next.